WiFi Marketing

SMART Social WiFi How-To
Attract Customers

If your business is not offering Free WiFi to customers they may be going elsewhere.  There are multiple sites on the Internet (including Yelp!) directing your potential customers to venues that do offer Free WiFi.  We can get you up and running with a customer-focused WiFi Marketing implementation…(more)

Engage Your Customers

Your Free WiFi is working for your customers, but what has it done for you lately?  NetGnius will help you identify opportunities to engage your customers on premises, and off premises. Engagement services include…(more)

Amplify Your Engagements

Now you have customers coming for your Free Social WiFi, you are engaging with them both on premises and after their visit, what’s next?  We have started building a list of customers that can be used for targeted marketing for email distribution…(more)

Automate with AI, ML

Now you’re cooking with gas as they say, your Free WiFi has attracted and engaged customers, and amplified your reach on-line.  What else can NetGnius do for you?…(more)

Why do you need SMART WiFi?

How do you achieve Free WiFi ROI?