About Us

NetGnius provides digital marketing and technology solutions for real world business problems. Formed in 2017, our engineers have over 25 years of cross-sector experience providing internal and customer-facing solutions. NetGnius can help with all of your digital marketing, application, and infrastructure needs.  We serve the Baltimore/DC, Atlanta, and Fort Lauderdale Metro Areas.

Our Chief Digital Strategist has over 20 years of small, medium, and enterprise business experience solving business challenges with technology. Will is a hands-on capable engineer with a deep business sense, helping to articulate business requirements and translate them into technical solutions. He is able to talk at all levels of an organization to develop a common understanding of technology and develop a roadmap for growth.


Mon – Fri: 9:00am – 9:00pm

Sat: 10:00am – 4:00pm

**We offer 24 hour support**

Currently Serving:

DC Metro

Metro Baltimore, MD

Metro Atlanta, GA

Metro Ft. Lauderdale, FL